Top 10 K-Pop Girl Groups You Need to Know

 ‘꼭 알아야 하는 K팝 걸그룹 톱10’


Whether you're a longtime fan looking for a nostalgic music trip or a curious listener kickstarting your K-pop education, these are the must-know girl groups.

In the U.S., dominant girl groups seem to come in waves, going from multiple groups competing at the top of the charts to periods where they seemed to have deserted the landscape altogether. The Spice Girls and Destiny's Child kicked things off in the late '90s and Dream, 3LW, the Pussycat Dolls and more came and went, leaving us today with Little Mix, Fifth Harmony and a few other rising acts.

But in the K-pop scene, female acts rose to prominence in the late '90s, and domestic fascination never simmered. Eventually, these girl groups' allure translated overseas, with international fans parlaying their love into incredible global feats. From the ladies who set the stage to those stealing the spotlight today, here are the 10 K-pop girl groups you need to know.


Girls' Generation

With an image as sweet as their bubblegum hooks, the nine members of Girls' Generation represent today's softer, effervescent side of K-pop girl groups. With images and concepts that are girly, fun and boast the slightest bit of sex appeal, the nine-piece gained a rabid fanbase that earned them impressive accolades, and became the first girl group to have a music video hit more than 100 million views on YouTube ("Gee"). They also beat out Justin Bieber, One Direciton and Miley Cyrus to win the girls Video of the Year at the inaugural YouTube Music Awards. The act boasts multiple chart-topping albums in both Korea and Japan, while also testing the waters in China and America with Mandarin track "Find Your Soul" and the English single "The Boys" respectively, the latter they performed on "The Late Show With David Letterman" and "Live! With Kelly."


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Further Listening:
"Run Devil Run"
"I Got a Boy"

원문 링크

친절하게 Gee 뮤비 링크도 걸어줬네요.

첫번째는 SES 선배님들 그 다음 소녀시대

 ‘꼭 알아야 하는 K팝 걸그룹 톱10(Top 10 K-Pop Girl Groups You Need to Know)’

소녀시대는 현재 K팝 열풍의 선두주자이자 국내 걸그룹을 대표하는 1인자로 미국에서도 활동한 바 있다. 빌보드는 “소녀시대가 현대 K팝의 비틀즈라면 2NE1은 롤링 스톤스”라고 비유하기도 했다.

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