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오늘도 이렇게 월페이퍼로 인사드립니다^^


오늘 월페이퍼는 보시다시피! 우리 요정들의 월페이퍼입니다^^


"트윙클" 월페이퍼 이구요!


많이 이용해주세요~!







Series Ver.

WhiteSnow Of Girls' Generation - http://www.sosiz.net/8231993

Ice Font_Girls' Generation - http://www.sosiz.net/org_data/8248624

TaeYeon Wallpaper - http://www.sosiz.net/8252717

TaeYeon Wallpaer ver.2 - http://www.sosiz.net/8314193

Mr.Taxi Wallpaper Ver.1 - http://www.sosiz.net/org_data/8292655

Mr.Taxi Wallpaper Ver.2 - http://www.sosiz.net/8292727

Mr.Taxi Wallpaper Ver.3 - http://www.sosiz.net/8381539

Mr.Taxi Wallpaper Ver.4 - http://www.sosiz.net/8422946

Girls' Generation - Japan In 1st Album- Wallpaper - http://www.sosiz.net/8486116

Girls' Generation - Japan In 1st Album Ver.2 - http://www.sosiz.net/8580325

Girls' Generation Wallpaper Sign Ver. - http://www.sosiz.net/8662811

TaeYeon Wallpaper - http://www.sosiz.net/8715146

Girls' Generation Daum Cloud Wallpaper - http://www.sosiz.net/8742615

Girls' Generation Asia Tour Wallpaper - http://www.sosiz.net/8941446

Girls' Generation TaeYeon Green Wallpaper - http://www.sosiz.net/9044718

Girls ' Generation 3th teaser Wallpaper - http://www.sosiz.net/9155705

Girls' Generation 3th The Boys Wallpaper - http://www.sosiz.net/9261165

Girls' Generation The Boys Wallpaper(단체 Ver.) - http://www.sosiz.net/9352210

TaeYeon Mirror Wallpaper - http://www.sosiz.net/9407265

TaeYeon Mirror Wallpaper Ver.2 - http://www.sosiz.net/9449172

TaeYeon Circle Wallpaper - http://www.sosiz.net/9544297

Girls' Generation Daum Cloud Ver.2 - http://www.sosiz.net/9587079

Girls' Generation J.Estina Wallpaer - http://www.sosiz.net/9609793

Girls' Generation TaeYeon BlueWallpaper - http://www.sosiz.net/9814986

TaeYeon J-Estina Wallpaper - http://www.sosiz.net/9880282

TaeYeon "Time Machine" Wallpaper - http://www.sosiz.net/9914583

Jessica "Time Machine" Wallpaper - http://www.sosiz.net/9916907

TaeYeon Concert Wallpaper - http://www.sosiz.net/9978005

YoonA Green Wallpaper - http://www.sosiz.net/10056946

TaeYeon Twinkle Wallpaper - http://www.sosiz.net/10079061


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