07 KBS 가요대축제, SM 콘서트에서 선보였었던

 Hey mickey 의 원본버젼 입니다.


음원으로 실리지 않는 걸 보아, 저작권 문제는 없을 것 같지만,

만약에를 대비해서, 이곳엔 다운링크를 올리지 않겠습니다.

<일단 라이브방에는 다운링크 올려져 있으나, 언제 어떻게 될 지 모르겠네요.>

Hey mickey !


Oh Mickey, you're so fine

you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey, hey Mickey

Oh Mickey, you're so fine

you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey, hey Mickey

Hey Mickey!

You've been around all night and that's a little long

You think you've got the right but I think you've got it wrong (시카)

Why can't you say goodnight so you can take me home, Mickey (서현)

'Cause when you say you will, it always means you won't (태연)

You're givin' me the chills, baby, please baby don't (써니)

Every night you still leave me all alone, Mickey (파니

Oh Mickey, what a pity you don't understand

You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand

Oh Mickey, you're so pretty, can't you understand

It's guys like you Mickey

Oh, what you do Mickey, do Mickey

Don't break my heart, Mickey

Hey Mickey!

Oh Mickey, you're so fine

you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey, hey Mickey

Oh Mickey, you're so fine

you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey

Oh Mickey, what a pity you don't understand

You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand

Oh Mickey, you're so pretty, can't you understand

It's guys like you Mickey

Oh, what you do Mickey, do Mickey

Don't break my heart, Mickey

Oh Mickey, what a pity you don't understand

You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand

Oh Mickey, you're so pretty, can't you understand

It's guys like you Mickey

Oh, what you do Mickey, do Mickey

Don't break my heart, Mickey

출처 : 라이브방


[소녀시대 라이브방]- http://cafe.daum.net/sosi-mp3